9 Giant Pumpkins
Did you know that there are contests for growing giant vegetables, like a giant pumpkin?
People will do all kinds of crazy things to win. I read on how to grow giant veggies.
Yes you buy seeds that grow big.
But then you add chemicals around the plant.
And then, after the plant is grown, and the pumpkin starts to grow on the plant - YOU FEED THE VEGETABLE WITH AN I.V. DRIP!
You get these huge vegetables that way. It makes some sense for growing jack-o-lantern pumpkins, but they get so huge that nobody can carry them, and they are either craved where they are grown, or moved with a lift and a wagon.
The I.V. drip has sugar water in it, so the vegetables grown this way aren't very flavorful, but they are huge!
Why would a farmer grow huge vegetables that aren't worth eating?
Farmers don't. People growing plants as a hobby do.
They enter the giant vegetables in fairs and plant shows. Like:
Who can grow the biggest green bean.
Who can grown the biggest ear of corn.
Who can grow the biggest strawberry.
I like small dog and large dogs too.
There are giant breeds of dogs.
Giant dog slide show.