OFF TOPIC. not at either pole.
I am not an extreme person. This has upset some people where I have posted comments, because at first they read me as "one of us" and then get upset when I agree with THEIR opposition, or someone hates something that I posted, but then just loves something that I later post on some other aspect of dogs.
I am not at the extremes. From my viewpoint, both PETA and it's opposites are all extremes. Sometimes my opinions will be what you like to read, sometimes they might not be in agreement with you.
I post for myself and a few people, but everybody is free to read it. But I'm not posting to please everybody, so if you read something you don't like - just remember that you are really reading posts not directed at you (unless you are one of the people who I expect to read this).
When it comes to dog fighting - I am 100% against it, and it is pointless to argue for it, it isn't something that I like or have any use for.
But I understand how hard it must be for those people who, by the time they were teenagers, had already learned everything they are ever going to learn. Some people grew up with dog fighting, but learned better, other people still haven't been able to get away from how they were raised and to move on to other hobbies.