Blog tranfer tips.
It is easy to transfer blogs and merge them using the upload to your computer, and the download into new blog buttons in settings. The hard part is sorting through the blogs, deciding which posts to publish in the new blog.
One blog's edit page was pristine. No multiple copies of posts. No trash posts which were saved into draft form, instead of saved into draft and then deleted. No photos that weren't published because they needed cropping or had people in them, but were still hanging out in drafts where they would be uploaded.
Other blogs had stuffed edit pages, full of multiple forms of posts, removed but not deleted photos - they took lots of work.
Next time, I know, get the blogs really ready to go, before transferring them - you can upload the complete blog into a folder and save it, then clean up the edit pages in the blog, and upload that form of the blog into another folder, then down load the cleaned up version to the new blog, and then download the old form of the blog back to it's original site. Be sure to save them right.