More tranfers.
I spent time looking at new templates. Most of them are mostly the same as the ones that are in your blogger site under layout "pick a new template" and then pick new fonts and colors.
Some of them are different but not better. Some of them look better but don't download well. Some of the sites offered free templates, but were really just a bunch of ads.
I used a test blog to try out the new templates. Some of them did not translate well and had to be deleted as they weren't functioning. I found some that I liked, but nothing that had everything that I wanted.
If a template did have everything I wanted, it probably would have been slow to download - sometimes I have great speed and my site downloads here very fast.
But I did find the nice 3 column one over at the sister site - I will post the source (on the other site) if it did not transfer automatically.
The original idea of sister sites, was that this one would have all the new posts in long form, and then that trimmed posts would be sent to the other site - but that can't be done, as I can't find an easy way to do it. I could write off line and then post it twice. Now I am not sure what I'll do.