Mutts are okay too.
The Eugenics Theory
People thought that if only the very best individuals in a species were allowed to have any offspring/ babies, then, with each 'improved' generation, the species would improve.
Like many ideas that seem good on paper, eugenics was based on a simple understanding of the subject which it was trying to change, when, in fact, the subject which was being tampered with, had more complex factors than what were known to the designers of the new belief structure.
It reminds me of some social theories. As much as people might criticize some of those social theories, they were not evil works, just stupid works. It is in the hard application of such stupidity that evil creeps in.
For example, the Marxist idea, was (basically) that everybody would work at what they could do, and at a rate which they were able (according to their age, gender, health, abilities), and that these community made products would then be distributed, as needed, to all people.
That's not an evil idea, just a really really naive to the point of complete stupidity, idea.
Because most people are basically not going to work as hard to help others as they are to help themselves.
You can tell people things like "beyond what you need to live, you have to give up half of what you earn to help the community - and if you earn loads of money, then you can only keep 5% of what you make which is over the minimum amount. People will still work if you say that.
But if you say, work and then we will decide what to give you - people don't work well, and they aren't happy. They become hard to manage. People like to control their own lives, just as much as control freaks want to control other people's lives.
And that is where I believe the Nazi image most overlaps with the purebred dog club image.
I believe that: Like the Seinfeld episode "The Soup Nazi" who made everybody do it his way, or "No Soup for You!", the "dog nazis" refers, not just to eugenics, but to the control freak aspects of purebred dog breeding and dog shows.
For example:
A good show shepherd MUST have xxx kind of hind legs.
The winning dog's ears must stand up, not flop over.
The good dogs aren't white, or brindle, or red...
...all these little details that dog show judges look for, purebred breeders are suppose to produce in their puppies, and which are written down on paper and called "The Standards".
You wont choose the best herding dog, pet dog, or guard by looking at his color or what type of ears he has.
And , I believe, that it is this insistence that "WE KNOW BEST - YOU DO IT OUR WAY!" that gets people called "soup nazi", "dog nazi", or "fashion police".